Dry skin: remedies

Everything you need to know about dry skin explained clearly and easily
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Do you want to know how to recognize dry skin and how to take care of it using the best natural, organic and vegan cosmetics? You’ve come to the right place! 🥳 Keep reading!

Dry skin: how to recognize it

This type of skin has a dehydrated and dull appearance and can affect the face, but also the body, especially the hands and legs. The skin barrier is weaker and more vulnerable, loses the ability to retain water, protects less from external agents and therefore the skin is more prone to sensitivity, redness, itching, irritation and premature aging. Do you recognize yourself? 🧐 It could also be:

  • Rough and uneven
  • Cracked
  • With fine wrinkles
  • Not very elastic
  • With a feeling of “tight skin”
  • With scaly areas
  • With skin cuts

Types of dry skin

There are two main types of dry skin:

  • Dry skin that is dehydrated, i.e. water-deficient
  • Dry alipidic skin, i.e. skin with lipid deficiency

In the worst cases, these two conditions can coexist.

⚠️ Be careful not to confuse dry skin with asphyxiated skin, where the dull appearance is instead given by an over-production of sebum that clogs the pores, or with combination skin, which is dry on the cheeks, but shiny on the chin, nose and forehead.

Dry skin: the causes

Dry skin can be due to many factors and also to many bad skincare habits and mistakes. Let’s see them together.

External Causes

Prolonged exposure to these factors can overdry the skin:

  • Cold climate, low temperatures, wind
  • Hot climate, high temperatures, UV rays
  • Change of season: it is a delicate period in which the skin must adapt to a new climate and new conditions
  • Cold air conditioning, heating too high and dry air
  • Frequent contact with water: those who spend a lot of time in the pool, those who often touch the water or have to wash their hands often, e.g. those who work in the kitchen or in a restaurant

Genetic predisposition

Oh yes, in some cases, unfortunately, you have an innate predisposition.


As we age, the skin changes, produces less collagen, the hydrolipidic film becomes depleted and the skin tends to be drier.

Hormonal causes

Sometimes hormones also get in the way, especially during pregnancy or menopause. In these cases, it is always a good idea to talk to the dermatologist.

Nutrition and poor hydration

An unbalanced diet does not provide the skin with the nutrients (proteins, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids) it needs to stay in balance. Drinking too little during the day, as you may have guessed, also negatively affects the skin’s moisture levels.

Skincare mistakes

These behaviors weaken the skin and the lipid layer that protects it, making it drier and more vulnerable:

  • Improper cleansing, i.e. washing face and body:
    • With aggressive products or alcohol
    • Too frequently
    • Too long
    • Too insistently
    • With water that is too hot
  • Scrubs and exfoliating treatments that are too aggressive or too frequent
  • Use the hair dryer often at very high temperatures and very close to the face, without first protecting it with moisturizer
  • Never moisturize your skin with serum and cream after washing it

Synthetic clothes

Dry body skin? Synthetic, tight pants and tights might have their share of the blame. It is better to use clothing made of natural fibers.


Some medications can have side effects, including drying out the skin. If you have this doubt, first ask a professional for clarification.


Dry skin could be caused by dermatitis, sunburn, psoriasis, or other skin conditions. In these cases, it is also necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Dry skin: the remedies

Here’s everything you need to know depending on whether it’s the skin on your face or body.

Dry skin on the face: what to do

The basic rules for taking care of it are these:

  • Use natural products that respect the balance of the skin, free of alcohol and synthetic fragrances and dyes
  • Cleanse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry gently by gently patting the towel without rubbing it
  • Use a mild foam-based cleanser, and dedicate only a few seconds to cleansing, without washing your face too insistently
  • Choose a super-moisturizing serum and soothing cream, with protective and regenerating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, emollient vitamin E, calming helichrysum, zinc oxide and shea butter
  • Make a moisturizing mask 1-2 times a week
  • Do a very gentle scrub 1 time a week
  • Do not expose your skin to excessive temperature changes
  • Use a desktop humidifier if the air is too dry
  • Drink enough water and eat a balanced diet

The facial cleanser for dry skin

Choose a foam-based cleanser dermatologically tested on sensitive skin, therefore very gentle, with a few ingredients, good and natural, such as BeOnMe’s Organic Cleansing Mousse.

This special cleanser is a very gentle cloud based on organic aloe, rebalancing and soothing, and oat oil that promotes the protective function of the skin and has an antioxidant action. It has neither alcohol nor fragrance, it respects the balance of the skin, does not dry it out, on the contrary it leaves it nice and soft.

The face cream for dry skin

BeOnMe Face cream sensitive skin dry skin remedies
@giuly_serafin_97 with BeOnMe’s Face Cream Sensitive Skin
Giulia with BeOnMe's Delicate Skin Face Cream suitable for those with dry skin
@giuly_serafin_97 with BeOnMe’s Face Cream Sensitive Skin

Choosing the right face cream is important, because you will need a rich formula and a cuddly texture, to fill up on hydration and also to protect your skin from external agents.

BeOnMe’s Organic Face Cream Sensitive Skin meets all these needs, it does not contain alcohol or fragrance, respects the balance of the skin, and is dermatologically tested on sensitive skin.

It contains organic aloe and hyaluronic acid, moisturizing and soothing, hydrosol of organic helichrysum and organic damask rose, and a protective blend of organic shea butter and vegetable oils. Salvation for dry skin!

Masks for dry skin

Once or twice a week, give your skin a boost of hydration with a targeted treatment: BeOnMe’s Organic Hyrating Face Mask instantly quenches the skin’s thirst and rebalances hydration levels.

It contains powerfully balanced chamomile, and a complex of xylitols that helps limit water loss from the skin. The blend of precious oils, vitamin E and zinc oxide, nourish the skin, protect it from external agents and promote the renewal of the skin’s lipid layer.

Every now and then, add BeOnMe’s Organic Nourishing Face Mask to your routine to intensely nourish your skin, recharge it with light and vitality and counteract the signs of aging. It contains an antioxidant mix of organic olive oil, organic goji berries and vitamin E. But also damask rose with a calming action, camelina oil, with a regenerating and repairing power, and zinc oxide with a protective and anti-redness action.

Dry skin with itching

BeOnMe Face serum dry skin remedies
This organic moisturizing serum from BeOnMe is a great ally for those with dry skin and itching

The itching sensation is common in those with dry skin. Please, don’t scratch, you will make the situation worse and compromise the skin barrier even more.

To give you relief, we recommend that you use, before the cream, a serum with a refreshing and soothing effect, such as the BeOnMe Face Serum for Man. Despite its name, it is a unisex serum, suitable for everyone and perfect for those with dry skin! It contains neither alcohol nor fragrance. It gives an immediate splash of hydration, thanks to hyaluronic acid and freshness thanks to rosemary essential oil. It contains a high percentage of organic aloe with a super soothing action.

Apply it to dry skin and then proceed with the Face Cream Sensitive Skin to protect the skin and create the right barrier against moisture loss and external agents.

Dry skin of the legs: what to do

Mmh… But do you put the cream on after taking a shower? 😉 This step is really important! What happens when you don’t wear it? The skin becomes thicker and harder and, once you put the cream on, it will be more difficult to penetrate and you will have to use much more. If, on the other hand, you get used to putting on body cream after showering, your skin will remain soft and you will use much less! So the rule is: the more you apply it … the less you will apply it! Clear, isn’t it? 😁


Now, if you have dry skin and it’s been a long time since you put the cream on, first you should do a scrub: feel free to use the BeOnMe organic Cleansing Scrub  Gel, it is also perfect on the legs, it is delicate and will gently remove skin and dead cells. Use it on wet skin.

Dry skin legs
Photo of dry and cracked skin that could use scrubs and body lotion! Remember to use these two products regularly!


Then apply BeOnMe’s organic Body Cream: you will fall in love with it because it has a delicious filling of emollient oils and flowers, such as organic chamomile, olive oil, organic sweet almond oil and vitamin E, which soften the skin, protect it and help it regenerate.

It also contains organic mallow extract, which moisturizes and deconsgests, which is perfect for dry and dehydrated skin. This cream is also non-greasy and leaves you with velvety skin.

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