Neck Wrinkles: 3 effective methods to reduce & prevent them! Ultimate Guide

Neck wrinckles: how to prevent and reduce wrinkles on your neck with our ultimate guide. Explore 3 effective methods, understand the causes, and learn how to keep your neck skin youthful and supple with organic and natural remedies and products.
Neck wrinkles

Lately have you noticed some neck wrinkles? Do you know what to do? You feel more selfconscious because of theese lines? You want to know how to prevent and reduce them? Then this article is for you!

We will explain what neck wrinkles and Venus necklaces are, why they form, how to avoid them and how to counteract them with the help of natural and organic products such as those from BeOnMe. You will see that with these simple tips, you can reduce wrinkles and regain your beauty! šŸ˜‰

What are neck wrinkles

Neck wrinkles are lines that form on the skin of the neck when it loses elasticity and tone.

The skin of the neck is very delicate and dries out easily. In addition, the neck moves continuously throughout the day, and this causes the skin to bend and mark, resulting in expression lines and wrinkles.

Neck wrinkles can be horizontal or vertical:

  • Horizontal wrinkles are those that form on the front of the neck, due to age or other external factors such as poor posture
  • Vertical wrinkles are those that form on the sides of the neck, when the skin loses the substances that make it toned, such as collagen and elastin.
How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck
Read our tips on how to fight neck wrinkles

What causes wrinkles on the neck

How do wrinkles form on the neck? These types of wrinkles are caused by several factors, including:

  • Age: As the years go by, the skin of the neck produces less collagen and elastin, which are the substances that make it elastic and toned. The skin on the neck relaxes and “sags”, giving rise to wrinkles.
  • The sun: UV rays dry, oxidize and ruin elastin and collagen fibers, accelerating the aging process of the skin. In addition, they can cause dark spots and discoloration, which make the skin on the neck less even.
  • Posture: the position you hold when sleeping, working and, above all, when using your mobile, can affect the formation of neck wrinkles. If you keep your neck bent or tilted for a long time, creases will form, which will then become permanent. Pay particular attention to when you hold your mobile in your hand in bed: in that horizontal position, the crease on the neck becomes more pronounced and deep, and is one of the main causes of the formation of expression lines on the neck.
  • Smoking: smoking, as we know, is bad for the skin in general, and then it makes your neck muscles contract, thus contributing to the formation of wrinkles.

Venus necklaces: what they are

Venus necklaces are horizontal lines that form on the front of the neck, particularly on the throat area. Did you know that they are called that, because they look like the necklaces that the goddess of love wore?

How to eliminate venus necklace
This is how Venus necklaces look

What is the difference between wrinkles on the neck and Venus necklaces?

The necklaces of Venus on the neck are not real wrinkles, but folds of the skin, or rather, expression lines that are formed not by age, but by a wrong posture or the shape of the neck. They are in fact the typical wrinkles on the neck that appear in your 20s, but you don’t have to worry, they are much more common than you think!

The neck is made up of several layers of muscles, which overlap and cross, sometimes creating small depressions in the skin. Venus necklaces are therefore individual features, which can be more or less visible depending on the person. However, with age, they tend to become deeper and more pronounced, because the skin loses tone and elasticity.

1. How to Prevent Wrinkles on the Neck

To prevent the formation of wrinkles on the neck, it is important to follow 3 daily precautions, which will help you keep your skin hydrated, protected and toned:

  1. Moisturize your neck skin every day with an anti-wrinkle cream, such as BeOnMe’s organic Hydra Silk anti-aging Face Cream. The cream should be applied with gentle movements and upwards, from the bottom up, to circulate the blood and tone the tissues.
  2. Do neck exercises: There are exercises that help strengthen the muscles and counteract sagging skin. These are simple movements to do every day, such as turning your neck, tilting it to side or pushing your chin back and forth.
  3. Correct your posture: To prevent neck wrinkles, it is important to maintain a correct posture, whether you are sleeping, working or using your mobile. We recommend that you sleep on a low, soft pillow that doesn’t raise your neck too high; to hold the computer or mobile phone at eye level, so as not to bend the neck; and to take frequent breaks to relax the neck muscles.
Neck wrinkles excercise
To tone your neck, take care of its beauty, and improve your posture, perform these exercises.

Diet and lifestyle also affect the health and beauty of the skin. For a correct neck wrinkle prevention strategy, you should:

  1. Eat a balanced diet that provides your skin with all the nutrients it needs, such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins, and antioxidants.
  2. Quit smoking: as anticipated, cigarette smoking is one of the worst enemies of the skin of the neck, as it compromises its health and beauty. Smoking, in fact, reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin and increases the production of free radicals. In addition, smoking causes the neck muscles to contract, thus promoting the formation of wrinkles. For this reason, quitting smoking is one of the most important gestures to prevent neck wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin in general.
  3. Sleep well: Sleep is essential for skin regeneration, because during sleep the skin produces more collagen and elastin, the proteins that support the structure of the skin. Sleeping well, therefore, helps prevent neck wrinkles and keep the skin supple and toned. Remember to adopt a position that allows you to keep your neck flat and choose a low pillow that does not make your neck bend.

How to Prevent Venus Necklaces

Remedies for Venus necklaces on the neck? You can effectively reduce and prevent these expression lines by following the same advice that applies to neck wrinkles. And in addition, you can follow some specific remedies in both cases, such as:

  • Apply a natural antioxidant serum to the neck: A serum is a concentrated product, which goes deep into the skin. We recommend a serum based on anti-aging active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and goji berry extract that help to counteract the signs of aging and keep the skin toned and smooth.
  • Apply the anti-aging cream with lifting massages: do them from the bottom up. They are useful for improving circulation and oxygenation of the skin of the neck, and for relaxing the muscles. You can do them with your fingers, with a jade or quartz roller, or with ultrasonic devices, which make the products enter the skin better.
  • Apply masks: masks are intensive treatments that nourish and moisturize the skin of the neck. We recommend using the BeOnMe natural moisturizing mask with xylitols that will give with its formula impregnated with moisturizing actives, the splash and nutrients that the skin of your body needs.

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2. How to care for neck skin

An important step that you should never forget if you want to maintain a beautiful and smooth neck skin is that of cleansing. Often, when doing skincare, we neglect the neck, due to forgetfulness or laziness. As on the face, however, smog, sweat and impurities accumulate on the neck which, if not removed every day, will make the skin age faster.

Here’s how to clean your neck of impurities:

  1. Use the delicate Organic Aloe Cleansing Mousse morning and evening, which like a cloud removes all impurities while leaving the skin hydrated. If you also use foundation on your neck, remember to dissolve it with Organic Cornflower Micellar Water and then apply the Cleansing Mousse.
  2. Once a week, take care of your neck with a gentle exfoliating scrub such as BeOnMe’s aloe-based organic face scrub, which smoothes the skin while leaving it perfectly hydrated.
  3. After the scrub, apply the organic Purifying Mask in transparent lipogel with purifying seaweed extracts and sage hydrosol: it intensely purifies without drying out and helps to improve the skin’s texture: it will be smoother and silkier to the touch!

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3. How to get rid of neck wrinkles

If neck wrinkles are already present, you don’t have to despair, because there are remedies that can help you considerably improve the appearance of your skin.

Natural Remedies for Neck Wrinkles

Do you want the truth? Let’s get straight to the point: we advise you not to rely on the natural home remedies that you find on the web, the do-it-yourself ones.

Of course, coconut oil has many properties for the skin, as well as aloe and jojoba oil, but applied pure on the neck, so randomly, unfortunately they will not give you great results, in fact, it is better to be careful: fresh aloe applied directly to the skin, for example, can be very irritating!

Don’t waste your money buying ingredients in bulk, rely on formulas that are natural, but created with wisdom and advanced technologies, specifically to bring visible results and satisfaction!

Anti-wrinkle products for the neck

To treat neck wrinkles, use natural and organic anti-wrinkle products that respect your skin and are effective:

Best Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Neck

To reduce the visibility of neck wrinkles, it is important to use an organic anti-aging cream that has a rich and powerful formula that can moisturize, firm and smooth the skin.

The Hydra Silk organic face cream, with innovative natural anti-aging technologies, helps to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen and to attenuate cellular aging processes with a lifting effect on wrinkles.


The anti-aging cream for the neck is applied morning and evening, with gentle and upward movements, from the bottom to the top, to stimulate circulation and tissue tone. Here is a tutorial to apply anti-wrinkle cream to your neck and face to reduce wrinkles:

Cream antiage for face and neck
Apply the anti-aging face cream to face and neck following these steps
  1. Apply the cream, then gently tap your fingers all over your face, from bottom to top, to awaken it.
  2. Perform a lifting motion by sliding your hands from your chin towards your temples.
  3. Place the knuckles of your index and middle fingers straddling the jaw bone and slide them from your chin to your ears. Also define the contours of the cheekbones.
  4. Lift your forehead with your fingers, in bottom-up motions.
  5. Place your fingers on your neck and slide them up and down to counteract horizontal wrinkles and Venus necklaces.
  6. Cross your hands over your cleavage and move them away by sliding them towards your shoulders in a lifting motion.

Anti-wrinkle massages for the neck are an effective remedy to reduce wrinkles, they also improve circulation and oxygenation of the skin, as well as relax the muscles.

Finally, to massage the neck and apply the anti-aging cream, you can also use jade or quartz rollers, or ultrasound devices, which promote the penetration of the active ingredients of the products.

Anti-wrinkle serum for the neck

The natural hyaluronic acid face serum is a concentrated product, which penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates its renewal.

For wrinkles on the neck, hyaluronic acid is a very effective ingredient, because it intensely moisturizes and has a plumping and toning effect that helps to minimize lines and prevent them!

Among the ingredients of this natural anti-aging face serum, there are also anti-oxidant goji berry extract, organic macadamia oil, vitamin E and olive oil: a precious mix that promotes cell renewal!

Face Serum for neck
Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum for Neck

The anti-wrinkle mask for the neck

Once a week, apply BeOnMe’s Organic Nourishing Damask Rose Mask: it is an intensive and toning treatment that intensely nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the neck. It also contains camelina oil, rich in omega 3 and 6, with a regenerating and repairing effect.

Medical Treatments for Neck Wrinkles

How to get rid of wrinkles on the neck? If they are very deep and marked, in addition to using effective natural cosmetics, you can consider aesthetic treatments, which can help correct and improve the appearance of the skin.

Before making any choices, contact a trusted dermatologist, and possibly look for the most reviewed center in your city for aesthetic neck surgeries.

Excluding botox injections, which in our opinion are outdated interventions that can give unnatural aesthetic results, to remove wrinkles on the neck you could rather consider more natural fillers, such as those based on hyaluronic acid: it is injected into wrinkles, in order to reduce their visibility and make the skin appear more toned.

Or radiofrequency, a treatment that uses electromagnetic waves, which heat the tissues of the neck, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. In this way, the skin of the neck is tightened and smoothed, and the wrinkles of the neck are reduced.

Some also recommend hiding wrinkles on the neck with makeup or clothing, but we believe that these gestures can make us more insecure and do not make us live well with our body and our beauty.

Remember, first of all, it is important to take care of your skin with healthy and correct lifestyle and skincare habits. And then, a pinch of self-love is always needed, as a secret ingredient of every beauty strategy!

Remember that your neck is an important part of your appearance, and that it deserves the same care and attention as your face. With our tips, you can eliminate and reduce neck wrinkles and regain the beauty and youthfulness of your neck!

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