Hair Loss: Causes and Natural Remedies

Why it happens, what you can do and what natural cosmetics to use to counteract hair loss
hair loss natural remedies

For some time now, have you noticed that you lose a lot of hair on your clothes, in bed or when you wash it? Oh yes, it happens to a lot of people, don’t worry, you’re not alone ๐Ÿค—

There are many factors that can affect hair loss: in this article we will see together which are the most frequent ones.

The good news is that there are so many little things you can do that can make a difference, starting with your hair routine! Start ๐Ÿง

Why does hair fall out?

The Life Cycle of Hair

Hey, let’s start with the basics: hair loss is a physiological process and is part of the normal life cycle of hair that is born and grows (Anagen phase), slows down its vital functions (Catagen phase) and then falls out (Telogen phase). So it’s normal to lose hair as long as the number stays more or less below 100 hairs per day.

When to Worry About Hair Loss

On the other hand, it is necessary to investigate the situation when you start to lose more than 100 hairs a day or, in general, when the loss of hair is no longer proportionate to its regrowth.

Causes of abnormal hair loss

What causes hair loss? First of all, it must be specified that there are different types of “hair loss”, more or less intense, and which can be temporary or last over time.

  • In the case of temporary loss, there is usually no single cause, in fact, it is often a mix
  • In the case of constant hair loss, however, genetics, hormones, or other factors may often be involved

1. Hair loss with the change of season

You may have noticed that in spring and autumn hair tends to fall out much more, we are talking about more or less 100-300 hairs per day.

It is a natural phenomenon that resembles shedding or changing the fur of animals. You know? Here it goes something like this ๐Ÿ˜… It is temporary and due to several factors, such as:

  • A change in routine (e.g. returning to the city in September), diet and stress levels
  • The change in temperatures, climatic conditions and daylight hours, which affect the rhythms of our body, the production of hormones, energy levels and as well as the life cycle of the hair
  • The stress suffered in summer (sun exposure, heat, salt, etc.) and that suffered in winter (cold, temperature changes, sweaters and hats that rub, poor hydration), all conditions that cause the hair to arrive in spring and autumn very tested

๐Ÿ‚ To learn more, read: “In autumn, hair is dry and falls out: causes and remedies

2. Bad habits and wrong routine

And then there are many daily gestures that can contribute to weakening, drying and ruining the hair, such as:

  • Using aggressive and poor quality products
  • Using products that irritate the scalp
  • Using a shampoo that is not suitable for your hair type
  • Using the hair dryer at too high temperatures
  • Holding the hair dryer too close to the scalp
  • Not protecting your hair from UV rays in summer
  • Massaging the shampoo into the ends
  • Using too much shampoo

3. Stress Hair Loss

The experience of many people seems to show that there is a link between stress and hair loss. Perhaps you too have experienced it and seen that in the most stressful moments of the year the well-being of the body, as well as that of the hair, is compromised.

๐Ÿ‘‰ What to do: you need to intervene immediately on the causes that cause psychophysical discomfort, carving out moments of relaxation, starting a sporting activity or getting help from a professional.

Other activities that instantly recharge with positive energy are: taking walks in nature, taking care of flowers and plants, relaxing at home with a facial skincare treatment or scalp massage.

And what do you like to do? Even half an hour of relaxation a day can make a difference, the important thing is to get organized! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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4. Power supply

Nutrition is certainly an important factor for the well-being of the body and therefore also of the hair. A healthy diet provides your hair with the right nutrients and the right amount of vitamins and proteins, making it grow thick and healthy.

โŒ A little review: what not to eat, then, to avoid weakening the hair? Well, simple, as in any balanced diet, it’s better not to abuse sugar, junk food and saturated fats!


๐Ÿฅ— Here is a selection of five healthy foods that can help you fight hair loss:

  • Broccoli: it is rich in iron, the deficiency of which affects hair loss
  • Carrots: they contain vitamin A, which promotes keratin synthesis
  • Walnuts: contain vitamin B5, which slows down the appearance of gray hair
  • Strawberries: contain vitamin C, which has an antioxidant action, fights free radicals and stimulates collagen production
  • Legumes: they are rich in iron and protein, which are essential for healthy hair

5. Hair loss in men: androgenetic alopecia

This is a much more frequent phenomenon in men than in women, it lasts over time and is genetic-hormonal in nature. Hair loss affects the forehead, temples and upper area of the head.

It is due to the action of an enzyme that transforms testosterone (a male hormone) into a substance called DHT that acts on the hair bulb by shrinking it and causing the hair to grow weaker and thinner.

6. Hair loss in women: telogen effluvium

It is called Telogen Effluvium or Effluvium, it mainly affects women and is due to a prolonged period of stress that causes an increase in hair loss. The fall is generally quite intense, but it does not last long, and occurs above all:

  • after childbirth (due to the drop in estrogen, which is responsible for lengthening the life cycle of the hair)
  • during breastfeeding (due to the increase in prolactin, which instead promotes the weakening of the hair)
  • with the discontinuation of the contraceptive pill
  • during menopause (here too we have a drop in estrogen)
  • or during particularly difficult periods of life

Almost always, once these stages are over, the hair also returns to normal.

7. Alopecia areata

In this case, the hair falls out in patches, particularly when combing one’s hair. It is a phenomenon that affects both men and women, mainly due to genetic causes and an autoimmune response of the body. In severe cases, it leads to the loss of all body hair.

8. Seborrheic alopecia

Hair loss affects the temples, the frontal region and the upper region of the head. It is caused by an overproduction of sebum often due to hormonal imbalances, which affects the well-being of the hair and scalp and causes thinning hair.

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Remedies for hair loss

โœ… What to do about hair loss: first of all, identify the causes. Try to figure out the amount of hair lost per day and how long the phenomenon has been occurring. Look at your scalp and the state of your hair.

Try to understand if there are other people in the family who have had hair problems and also analyze the moment you are experiencing: is it a stressful period? ๐Ÿค”

Who to contact for hair loss

In the case of intense and prolonged hair loss, and if you think you are losing an amount of hair that is not proportionate to its regrowth, we recommend that you consult a professional, then make a trichological examination and analyze in detail what the main causes could be. Once you’ve identified them, it will be easier to deal with the problem.

Strengthening anti-hair loss treatment

๐ŸŒฟ If, on the other hand, you have temporary hair loss, perhaps due to stress or the change of season, follow this strengthening treatment based on organic and vegan products that will help you prevent and reduce the phenomenon.

Step 1: Cleanse gently

Cleanse your hair and scalp with a gentle wash, such as BeOnMe’s Sensitive Shampoo with plant-based surfactants: it offers a gentle shower of natural ingredients, including organic chamomile that has calming and balancing properties.

This shampoo respects the pH of the scalp and helps to rebalance the well-being of the hair. It also contains protein to nourish, moisturize and strengthen the hair while reducing breakage.

And there is another unexpected and special ingredient that will amaze you with its effects: salt, which helps to rid the scalp of impurities and promotes its physiological balance! The result? Soft and healthy hair! Try it! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Step 2: Do a revitalizing cleanse

Alternate between gentle cleansing and revitalizing. In your hair routine, therefore, you should include two shampoos.

Example: If you wash your hair twice a week, the first time you do a gentle cleansing and the second time a revitalizing cleanse.

Purifying Shampoo hair-loss
@fabiana_mua with BeOnMe Purifying Shampoo

For revitalizing cleansing, use BeOnMe’s Purifying Shampoo with organic mint and lemon essential oils, which give a boost of energy, stimulate microcirculation and counteract hair loss.

Purifying Shampoo hair-loss
@fabiana_mua with BeOnMe Purifying Shampoo

This natural shampoo based on plant-based surfactants deeply purifies the hair while respecting the pH of the scalp.

Its formula also contains salt, with rebalancing properties, as well as wheat and rice proteins that deeply nourish and moisturize the hair, leaving it soft and resistant to breakage!

Finally, thanks to organic chamomile and lavender, it also offers a calming and astringent action, heals and counteracts any dandruff and excess sebum.


Once or twice a week, before washing your hair, do a restructuring and repairing compress: use BeOnMe’s Pre-Shampoo Nourishing Treatment.

It is based on organic aloe, which being super moisturizing and soothing is a panacea for the well-being of the scalp, and a mix of nourishing and emollient oils that recharge the hair with beauty, preventing the appearance of split ends. It also contains vitamin E which has an antioxidant and restructuring action useful for counteracting hair loss.

How to use: Apply the treatment to damp hair and leave it on for at least half an hour, or even overnight.

Pro tip: before rinsing, give yourself an invigorating massage to the roots of your hair, use your fingertips, pat and rub the scalp, then make circular movements.

What are the benefits of scalp massage? It stimulates blood circulation to the skin, promotes the penetration of the active ingredients contained in the treatment and is relaxing, all factors that contribute to the well-being of the hair and therefore help to slow down and counteract hair loss!

To learn more, read: “How to use organic hair products

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