How to get rid of crow’s feet? Here are some tips

How to get rid of crow’s feet, prevent them and treat them with natural cosmetics!
Remedies for crow's feet

In this article, we explain what crow’s feet are, how to fight them, prevent them and treat them with natural cosmetics. Keep reading! πŸ‘‡

What Are Crow’s Feet

Crow's feet eyes what are they
Crow’s feet are expression lines that form at the outer corners of the eyes

“Crow’s feet” are wrinkles around the eyes. These are expression lines that tend to become noticeable over time, but can also appear at a young age.

Crow's feet eyes what are they
Crow’s feet are expression lines that form at the outer corners of the eyes

Where do crow’s feet appear? The expression “crow’s feet” is used in common parlance to refer to the type of radial wrinkles that appear in the outer corners of the eyes. Their name derives from their shape, which is a bit reminiscent of a hen’s feet πŸ˜…

Crow’s feet: causes

The causes are many, let’s see them together in detail:

Facial expressions

The mimic muscles of the face, which are continuously stressed during the day, especially when we speak, squint or laugh, can mark the skin around the eyes over time. Many of you are aware of this, in fact, on google, among the most common searches about wrinkles around the eyes we find “crow’s feet when I smile” or “crow’s feet when I laugh“. Have you noticed it on your face too? πŸ˜‰

In fact, when we laugh or smile, we tend to close our eyes and wrinkle the skin around the eyes. Over time, these wrinkles can turn into wrinkles. Hey, but welcome to laugh and smile! Better a life of smiles and a few more wrinkles, don’t you agree? 😁

And finally, let’s not underestimate three other factors, namely that we blink 15-20 times a minute and 10 thousand times a day, that the skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face, that it suffers more from the stress of make-up and make-up.

The mimic muscles of the face, which are continuously stressed during the day, especially when we close our eyes or laugh, can mark the skin around the eyes over time.

Many of you are aware of this: did you know that on google, among the most common searches about wrinkles around the eyes, we find “crow’s feet when I smile” or “crow’s feet when I laugh“? πŸ˜‰

In fact, when we laugh or smile, we tend to close our eyes and wrinkle the skin around the eyes. And as time goes on, these wrinkles turn into wrinkles.

Hey, but better a lifetime of smiles and a few more wrinkles, don’t you agree? 😁

And finally, let’s not underestimate three other factors, namely that we blink 15-20 times a minute and 10 thousand times a day, that the skin around the eyes is thinner than the rest of the face, that it suffers more from the stress of make-up and make-up.

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Wrinkles around the eyes also form because, over time, the skin tends to dry out and mark more, it loses elasticity and the ability to regenerate and produce elastin and collagen, becoming more fragile and thinner. But let’s find out what other factors have an influence! πŸ‘‡

Other factors

As with other types of wrinkles, in addition to genetic predisposition, environmental conditions also play a role, as do some poor skincare and lifestyle habits:

Ambient conditions

  • Exposure to UV rays without protection
  • Frequent temperature changes
  • Cold and dry climate
  • Pollution and smog

Bad habits

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Spend many hours in front of the screen
  • Poor hydration
  • Wrong cleansing
  • Not removing make-up before going to sleep
  • Unbalanced diet
  • Sleeping little and badly
  • Sleeping on a rough cotton pillow that tends to “mark” the face

Crow’s feet: remedies

In our online consultations, we often receive these messages: “how to remove crow’s feet?”, “how to get rid of them?” or “how to care for crow’s feet?”.

πŸ“’ First of all, the truth must be told, which is that this type of blemish, as well as wrinkles in general, cannot be magically erased.

Wrinkles are part of the history of our skin, because they are the consequence of age and our habits. What we can do is prevent them, if we have time, and mitigate them significantly, if they have already appeared.

Read on to find out the natural remedies to use!

How to Prevent Crow’s Feet

In addition to following these precautions, that are…

  • A balanced diet, rich in antioxidants
  • Drink enough water, avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Wear sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Take your eyes off the screen with frequent pauses
  • Sleep well and on a smooth, soft pillowcase

… It is very important to take care of your skin properly.

πŸ’§ This means, first of all, double cleansing every night and moisturizing your face morning and evening.

To prevent crow’s feet from forming prematurely, it is also essential to keep the skin nice and supple and hydrated: how?

πŸ‘€ Using a moisturizing eye contour serum morning and evening and giving the skin an anti-aging mask around the eyes, at least 1-2 times a week.

Sometimes we only remember it in winter, when we feel drier and tighter, but it is equally important to do it in summer, when the skin is subjected to the stress of high temperatures and swimming in the pool or at the sea, and on the change of season, when the skin has to adapt to the new climate and the new light/dark cycle.

How to reduce crow’s feet

Crow’s feet in the eyes: what to do when they have already appeared? Let’s see how to treat them to minimize them with satisfaction!

Best eye contour for crow’s feet

The first thing to do is to treat the eye area with a targeted anti-aging formula. As we have already said, unfortunately there are no creams to eliminate crow’s feet in a magical way within a tik tok, but fortunately we can count on the progress of new natural technologies and portentous ingredients capable of giving the skin a lasting lifting effect!

The first thing to do is to treat the eye area with a targeted anti-aging formula.

As we have already said, unfortunately there are no creams to eliminate crow’s feet within a tik tok, but fortunately we can count on the progress of new natural technologies and portentous ingredients capable of giving the skin a lasting lifting effect!

πŸ† The key to a younger, more relaxed-looking eye area is to use a quality anti-aging eye contour and use it consistently.

Most of the technologies used, in fact, work with increasing applications and perseverance over time.

Let’s be clear: you can change the face cream depending on the climate and needs, if you feel dry skin or if it reddens, etc… But the eye serum, no.

If you find a good eye serum that works well for your skin… Celebrate and hold on tight, stick to that formula and you’ll be able to see its effects increase application after application! πŸŽ‰

Because it’s not true that “the skin gets used to” the products, it’s nonsense. The skin, especially around the eyes, needs consistency! This is the first key to success.

Eye serum crow's feet
Organic eye contour

🀩 At BeOnMe we have formulated Eye Lift Serum, an anti-aging eye contour with a tightening effect, rich in high-tech, very special active ingredients, including

How to apply eye lift serum
Apply Eye Lift Serum under the eyes and on the eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eyes outwards.
  • Eye Lift Complex: offers a lifting effect that visibly reduces crow’s feet and expression lines
  • Grapevine sap prebiotic: rebalances the skin’s microbiota by improving its hydration, elasticity and nourishment levels

πŸ‘‰ The way we apply the eye contour also affects the results: it should be used morning and evening on the cleansed eye contour, before serum and cream. It should be spread with a finger, gently, from the inner corner of the eye towards the temples.

How to apply eye lift serum
Apply Eye Lift Serum under the eyes and on the eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eyes outwards.

Eye contour massage against crow’s feet

Have you ever tried Face Yoga? To enhance the effectiveness of your eye contour, after applying it, perform this anti-aging facial massage, specific to counteract crow’s feet:

Crow's feet antiaging massage
Anti-aging massage to counteract crow’s feet
  1. Perform a figure-8 massage on the sides of your eyes to counteract the horizontal lines of your crow’s feet.
  2. Glide your fingers, in a lifting motion, from the outer corner of the eye towards the temples.
Crow's feet antiaging massage
Anti-aging massage to counteract crow’s feet

The eye contour mask for crow’s feet

Once or twice a week, apply an anti-aging eye mask, such as the Firm & Smooth Eye Lip Mask, which you can also use on the lip area. This intensive eye contour treatment will be a winning ally to reduce crow’s feet.

Firmsmooth eye lip mask for crow's feet
Organic eye and lip contour mask

How to PUT make up ON crow’s feet

In addition to following our skincare tips, do you also want to know how to hide crow’s feet with make-up? Here’s how to do it in 5 steps:

  1. Apply the eye contour first: Choose a texturizing formula with a primer effect, such as the Eye Lift Serum.
  2. Then apply concealer: choose a light and moisturizing one. Or a dry one, to which, however, you will have to add a couple of drops of eye contour serum to make it soft and creamy. Either way, opt for a color shade that is slightly lighter than your complexion.
How to put makeup on crow's feet
  1. To hide crow’s feet, apply foundation, always choosing a liquid formula with a light finish, and avoid powder or pasty ones, which could accumulate in wrinkles emphasizing them. If you want to set it with powder, use a little and don’t choose those that are too opaque.
  2. Also for this reason, if you want to make up your eyes, choose a cream eyeshadow and not a powder eyeshadow.
  3. To make your eyes fade into the background, focus on the mouth, with a bright color, which is the protagonist!

Now you know how to minimize crow’s feet and show off a younger, more lifted-looking eye area! 😍

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