How to get rid of skin spots from your face

Do you want to know how to get rid of spots on your face and what remedies and cosmetics to use? Read our tips!
How to remove face spots

Do you also suffer from skin spots? Don’t worry, let’s see together what to do and what natural cosmetics to use!

skin spots, why do they appear?

Spots on the face are an annoying blemish that appears mainly with advancing age, a sign of skin aging, but there can also be other causes. Let’s see them together and find out how to deal with the different types of skin spots 👇

Spots on the face when to worry

When are skin spots on the face dangerous? In general, as a good habit to take care of yourself, we recommend that you have regular skin check-ups with a dermatologist to check the health of your skin. For spots on the face, you should go to a specialist, because sometimes they could hide more dangerous pathologies.

Ask for a specific examination especially when you notice sudden changes, when new spots appear quickly or change in appearance, size and thickness, or when they become irregularly shaped, when you notice:

  • itch
  • pain
  • desquamation
  • burning
  • blood
  • swelling
  • presence of scabs

Dark spots on the face: what they are

To better understand how to get rid of dark spots from the face, we must first understand what they are and how they are born!

The most frequent type of spot on the face is the dark one. There are different types of dark spots depending on the causes 👇

Senile lentigo

How to remove age spots face
Dark spots on the face due to age are dark and rounded

The most frequent type of spots are the dark and rounded ones caused by hyperpigmentation caused in turn by skin aging: they are called lentigo senili.

Skin aging can be accelerated by certain factors such as:

  • exposure to sunlight and therefore to UV radiation
  • smoke, smog, environmental pollution
  • Free radicals
  • Alcohol and poor diet

These factors weaken the skin by negatively affecting the activity of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. The production of melanin, when it becomes greater and irregular, causes the spots, which appear mainly on the face and hands.

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Sun spots on the face

How to remove face spots
Here’s how to recognize sun spots on your face

Spots on the skin of the face can also be caused by solar radiation. This type of spot, brown or yellow ochre, appears on the face and in the areas most exposed to sunlight or tanning lamps, such as the face, neck, décolleté, hands and arms. They are called lentigo solari.

Sun spots on the skin, but how to get rid of them? First of all, remember to always use a good sunscreen. To eliminate them, use salicylic acid-based cosmetics that exfoliate the surface and reduce the visibility of dark spots.

Read on to find out what to do about various stains and what natural cosmetics we recommend using! 👇

Stains on the skin from waxing

The skin, stressed by the mechanical action of waxing, may become more sensitive and, if exposed to the sun, react by producing more melanin to protect itself. In fact, the typical spots form especially in the most delicate areas and in those most exposed to the sun, such as the “mustache” area and the legs.

It is very important, therefore, to always put on sunscreen when you go out in the sun after waxing and, in general, not to overdo it with exposure!

To reduce the appearance of body spots, we recommend exfoliating your skin regularly, using the Body Scrub & Mask Yummy Sorbet, which helps the skin renew itself and keeps it super hydrated and supple at the same time.

When showering, also remember to massage the shower gel with the exfoliating glove to give yourself a gentle extra exfoliation, and to always moisturize your skin at the end of the shower with a super nourishing natural body cream.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

How to remove acne spots
This is what pimple and acne spots look like

Sometimes spots can form where the skin suffers a small wound or where a small scar forms: the area in question tends to darken more than the rest of the skin, especially following sun exposure: it is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and those who suffer from it are those who have acne and pimples, those who tend to crush blackheads or carry out treatments that are too abrasive that create small traumas on the skin.

Spots on the face during pregnancy and menopause

In some cases, dark spots on the face can be caused by hormonal imbalances (melasma) or by taking medications that affect hormones, such as birth control pills. Precisely because of hormones, the spots can also appear during pregnancy (chloasma) taking on shades of brown or gray (but disappear after some time), or during menopause.

Do you want to know when spots appear on your face during pregnancy? They commonly start in the third or fourth month of pregnancy and disappear within six months after the delivery.

skin spots on the face due to irritation

Dark spots can also develop on the face due to skin contact with irritating chemicals found in cosmetics or perfumes, for example. The irritated skin may become inflamed and react by causing spots on the face.

In these cases, after also hearing the opinion of a dermatologist, it is good to rebuild your skincare routine by choosing cosmetics dermatologically tested on sensitive skin and fragrance-free.

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spots on the face: photosensitizing substances

In other cases, spots on the face could be caused by taking photosensitizing medicines and using cosmetics containing photosensitizing substances, which make the skin more sensitive to sunlight.

In the first case, it is good to check the situation with your doctor, on the other hand, we advise you to always read carefully the instructions for use on the labels of cosmetics: in case there are photosensitizing substances, you will find it written to use cosmetics only in the evening, therefore in the evening skincare routine.

spots due to pathologies

Certain diseases, often linked to liver and adrenal gland health, can promote the appearance of spots on the skin. Always consult your doctor.

Freckles and Ephelids

Spots on the face can also be due to genetic factors, such as freckles or ephelids.

  • Ephelids are small brown/red spots due to increased melanin production caused by exposure to UV rays. They are often hereditary, appear from a young age, in people with very fair skin and red or blond hair, and are more visible during the summer, when exposure to sunlight is greater.
  • Freckles, also hereditary, are brown spots, of variable shape, caused by an increased presence of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin, and by an overproduction of melanin itself. For this reason, freckles appear even if you are not exposed to the sun’s rays and remain unchanged even in winter.

In both cases, it is not a matter of pathology. In fact, both freckles and freckles are often considered a distinctive and often coveted aesthetic feature. Our opinion? They are beautiful, they give the face a younger and more original look! Make the most of them and enjoy them!

Face spots cosmetics
Ephelids and freckles are types of hereditary spots to be proud of

White spots on the face: what they are

There are also white spots, these are due to skin diseases or conditions such as:

  • Vitiligo or pityriasis alba
  • Infections with fungi or bacteria, as in the case of pityriasis versicolor
  • Exposure to the sun without protection
  • Skin disorders, such as psoriasis
  • Aging: When melanin-producing cells die and are not replaced, they leave white spots.

How to remove spots from your face

Dark spots on the face: how to get rid of them? If you want to know how to get rid of facial spots, here is a list of tips on what to do and what natural remedies to use! 👇

Cleanser for spots on the face

How to get rid of skin spots? If the spots have already appeared, we recommend that you do exfoliating treatments: first introduce the Purifying Facial Cleansing Gel with salicylic acid into your skincare routine. It is a great natural remedy for all types of spots and very popular with our customers who have spots from pimples and acne!

Salicylic acid is a natural ingredient that gently exfoliates the most superficial layers of the skin and helps to renew it: this peeling effect allows you to reduce hyperpigmented surface cells and therefore lighten spots, progressively reducing their visibility.

Cell turnover helps to eliminate sun spots and spots due to scars, such as pimples and acne.

Face cleanser pimples
Purifying Facial Cleansing Gel with salicylic acid to combat facial spots

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Scrub for spots on the face

Secondly, it is important to scrub twice a week. We recommend using the organic aloe Cleansing Scrub Gel that effectively exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Apply it to wet skin.

Face scrub skin spots
Use Facial Scrub to Reduce spots on Your Face

Mask for spots on the face

After scrubbing, apply the BeOnMe Hydrating Face Mask if you need a hydration boost, or the BeOnMe Nourishing Face Mask if you want a revitalizing and anti-aging effect.

Both of these treatments contain antioxidant ingredients and zinc oxide, an ingredient that promotes cell turnover and therefore helps the skin to renew itself and improve its appearance, consequently also acting on the visibility of dark spots.

Pimple spots: what to use

If you have pimples and acne, we recommend that you follow the specific skincare routine for pimples and acne and, above all, do not crush impurities, but use the Spot Treatment which contains gluconolactone, which can act on the discolorations caused by pimples and prevent the appearance of spots.

Those who have used it can no longer do without it, it is our bestseller, a product much loved by those who suffer from pimple spots!

Pimple acne treatment
The Spot Treatment is also great for preventing pimple spots and acne

Dark spots on the face: which cream to use

To prevent the appearance of dark spots and help the skin slow down the cellular aging process, we recommend using an anti-aging cream rich in antioxidants and natural anti-aging technologies, such as the Hydra Silk Face Cream.

This natural anti-aging cream contains two natural anti-aging technologies, vine sap prebiotic, an antioxidant mix of vitamin E, organic macadamia and Abyssinian oils, and a blend based on coconut oil enriched with a shower of flowers from the Polynesian tradition.

Now you know what to do about skin spots!

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