How to remove blackheads

Effective tips to get rid of blackheads with natural and vegan remedies. The solution to rid your pores of impurities!

How to remove blackheads at home, with natural cosmetics and effective, easy-to-use remedies? Here are our secrets to succeeding and improving your skin!

How to get rid of blackheads

Blackheads are a very common blemish that affects almost all skin types, especially those with oily, combination and acne skin, but not only that, they can also occur in those with normal or dry skin.

These types of impurities occur mainly on the face, especially in those areas rich in sebaceous glands such as the T-zone, which includes the nose, chin, forehead; But they can also occur on the body, back, chest, neck, arms and shoulders.

How to remove blackheads? There are several methods and products that can be of great help. As we will see together, they depend on the behavior of your skin and its sebum production: it is possible to prevent them and rebalance the skin in order to limit their onset!

How to eliminate blackheads
This is what blackheads look like

What are blackheads

Blackheads are easily recognizable imperfections: they are dark, black, and somewhat raised. They are made of sebum, dead skin cells, bacteria, and keratin, which accumulate in the hair bulbs and clog the pores of the skin.

If the outer “plug” that clogs the pores breaks (blackheads are in fact also called “open comedones”), these substances come into contact with oxygen and oxidize, becoming black and giving the characteristic color of this blemish.

When the sebum “cap” doesn’t open, pimples form instead!

The causes of blackheads

Blackheads are often caused by an overproduction of sebum by the skin and therefore by an overactivity of the sebaceous glands. This overproduction, which is common during adolescence, is caused by many factors, often coexisting, including:

  • Predisposition: some people have a predisposition to oily skin and therefore to the formation of blackheads.
  • Hormones: they can encourage an overproduction of sebum and therefore blackheads in certain periods of our lives, such as adolescence, pregnancy, menopause or the menstrual cycle.
  • Stress: it can stimulate the sebaceous glands and therefore cause an overproduction of sebum which then causes the formation of blackheads.
  • Pollution: smog and dust can damage the skin, weaken it and alter the composition of sebum, clog pores and thus make the skin oilier and more impure.
  • Unbalanced diet: some studies claim that a diet rich in foods with a high glycemic index, i.e. sugary drinks, white bread, refined carbohydrates and with sucrose, can cause inflammation in the body and therefore the appearance of comedones, including blackheads.

Blackheads and skincare mistakes

If you have blackheads, it could also be due to poor skincare. Here are some mistakes you shouldn’t make:

  • Use the wrong cosmetics, such as creams that are too greasy and oily.
  • Skip cleansing: keeping your skin clean is very important. Remember to cleanse it morning and evening.
  • Doing incorrect cleansing: a common mistake is to cleanse too aggressively and massage the cleanser on the face too insistently to “degrease” the face. Nothing could be further from the truth! Feeling attacked and too dry, the skin will respond by producing even more sebum, so, beware!
  • Using occlusive make-up is too heavy and not taking it off properly in the evening with Double Cleansing.

Read on to find out how to remove blackheads! 👇

How to remove blackheads from your nose

These tips apply to the whole face, but we know that it is the nose where the annoying blackheads appear most frequently, don’t we? Here’s how to take them off.

How to remove blackheads
Blackheads mostly appear on the nose
How to remove blackheads
Blackheads mostly appear on the nose

Squeezing blackheads

Okay, first of all, though, let’s address this question: when to squeez blackheads? The answer is: never! It is known that squeezing blackheads with your fingers makes it easier to expel sebum from the pore. But be careful, beacuse you shouldn’t do that!

Why? Because you should follow so many precautions, do not use your fingers or nails, which are often full of bacteria; you should prepare the skin well, use special sterilized tools as beauticians do; And in any case, with the “do-it-yourself” method you only risk forming scars, stressing and inflaming the skin, ruining it.

Even using a device that sucks up blackheads, a blackhead aspirator, is not a good idea, because often those on the market are of poor quality, they suck the skin with too much force risking stressing it, reddening it and even breaking some capillaries. In short, our advice is to leave it alone.

Read below to find out how to effectively get rid of blackheads! 👇

What products to use for blackheads

How to get rid of blackhead? Forget about home remedies or DIY natural remedies, because they are counterproductive and, as in the case of lemon, pure essential oils or baking soda, they risk irritating the skin and causing inflammation!

Leave blackhead patches alone as well, as they don’t actually solve the problem. Instead, let’s build an effective skincare routine that prevents the problem and helps rebalance the skin! 👇

Blackhead Remedy
The solution for blackheads

The solution exists and it’s called salicylic acid!

This special cosmetic ingredient gently exfoliates the skin and has the ability to penetrate inside the pore and dissolve the accumulation of sebum and dead skin cells that clog it, thus ridding it of impurities!

Salicylic acid is your best weapon for preventing blackheads and keeping your skin clean! Where to look for it? First of all, in your daily facial cleanser, which you will use morning and evening.

Combine it with targeted cosmetics for blemished skin and you will see what satisfaction it will be when the blackheads disappear and your skin is finally clean and glowing!

1. Blackhead Facial Cleanser

You often ask us which soap to use for blackheads: and we are very happy to answer that we have created the perfect facial cleanser for those with blackheads: it is the Salicylic Acid Purifying Facial Cleansing Gel.

This facial cleanser not only contains salicylic acid, which dissolves impurities in the pores, but also a prebiotic that helps rebalance the skin; Tee-tree essential oil, purifying, and also organic barley water, super soothing.

Use it in the morning to wash your face. In the evening, first use Micellar Water to dissolve make-up, and then cleanse your face with Purifying Cleansing Gel with Salicylic Acid.

Those who have defeated blackheads know the importance of proper cleansing every day!

2. Blackhead Facial Scrub

What to do about blackheads? Twice a week you can also do a facial scrub to make an even deeper cleansing. Choose BeOnMe’s Cleansing Scrub Gel, because it contains silica microspheres of different sizes that help to carry out a thorough cleaning. In addition, being aloe-based, it leaves the skin soft and hydrated.

How to use the scrub? Gently massage it into the wet skin of your face, insisting a little more on the areas most prone to impurities to eliminate, for example, blackheads on the nose.

When the blackheads go away and you notice the beneficial effect of using this scrub consistently, you will have a great satisfaction!

3. Blackhead Mask

After scrubbing, so twice a week, do a purifying mask, but not just any mask. Which one to choose? The BeOnMe Purifying Face Mask with marine extracts is special: it is not a black mask, but a transparent lipogel mask.

Its innovative micro-algae-based complex is essential, because it helps to limit sebum production and thus prevent the formation of blackheads. It’s also mattifying and leaves the skin textured – great!

If you want to know where to buy this blackhead mask, run to the BeOnMe shop!

Blackhead Remedy

4. Blackhead Toner

The Citrus Purifying Toner helps the skin to better absorb the active ingredients of subsequent moisturizing products, has an astringent effect and therefore tightens the pores and reduces their visibility. A panacea to be used in the evening after cleansing and before the face serum. Seeing is believing!

Face serum blackheads
The certified and vegan organic anti-blackhead face serum!

5. Face Serum for Blackheads

Hydration is essential for healthy and balanced skin: if you want to eliminate and prevent blackheads, we recommend choosing your face serum well.

At BeOnMe we have formulated a light face serum, based on organic aloe gel, just for those who suffer from oily and impure skin, and rich in rebalancing and purifying ingredients, such as organic lavender, lime and organic bitter orange blossom hydrosols.

The Face Serum Impure Skin is the perfect face serum for those with blackheads: try it!

How to eliminate blackheads on your back

Scrub blackheads back
The Yummy Sorbet Body Scrub eliminates blackheads on the back and body

Another area of the body where blackheads often appear is the back. In this case, or in case they appear in other parts of the body such as the neck and shoulders, we recommend that you use the Body Scrub & Mask Yummy Sorbet twice a week, which is also a natural and certified organic body mask!

To get rid of blackheads from your back and body, leave the body scrub on for 5-10 minutes, then moisten it and massage the product into your skin gently – it will exfoliate your skin, clean your pores, and get rid of impurities and blackheads, while also helping you prevent them!

And then, it is a fabulous body treatment, because it deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, leaving it nice and soft: a pampering to try!

In the shower, on the other hand, we recommend that you use the Exfoliating Glove consistently, massaging it on the body with a drop of natural shower gel: you will see the difference, goodbye dead cells. Your skin will become beautiful!

Now you know what to do against blackheads and you’re ready to show off clean, glowing skin!

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