Remedies for chapped Hands

Chapped cracked hands remedies

Do you also suffer from chapped hands? Hands are our most valuable work tool and their care is essential, especially for those who do manual work. You’ve come to the right place! 👉 In this article, we will explore the causes of cracked and split hands and the most effective remedies to treat them, such as BeOnMe’s natural products!

The Importance of Hand Care

Not only do our hands allow us to carry out our daily activities, but they are also a part of our body that is constantly exposed to the elements.

⚠️ For those who do manual work, such as craftsmen, or for those who work outdoors, such as bricklayers, gardeners and construction workers, the hands are often subjected to mechanical stress, rubbing or aggressive substances, and even to atmospheric agents.

And since the hands are the most important work tools, they require special care, don’t you agree? Let’s see how to do it! 👇

Why Do Hands Crack and Split?

Environmental Factors

Cold, wind, and temperature changes are among the main enemies of the skin of the hands. These environmental elements often dry out the skin, reducing its natural moisture, dehydrating it and leaving it exposed to painful cracks.

chapped Hands from the cold

❄️ We all know that you have to watch out for the cold, but why? For two reasons:

  1. When temperatures drop, we know from experience that the hands are among the first parts of the body to feel the cold. Cold, in fact, reduces blood circulation in the extremities to preserve body heat: this fact, however, can decrease the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the skin of the hands, making the skin of the hands more vulnerable.
  2. Cold air is often dry and can further dry out the skin of the hands, leaving it dehydrated.

These two factors cause the skin to crack and split: dry skin, in fact, tends to lose its natural elasticity and crack. In addition, without adequate hydration, the skin becomes stiff and tends to crack even under the pressure of the daily movements we make with our hands, especially if we do manual work.

For this reason, manual workers are particularly at risk due to continuous exposure to cold and environmental conditions that can damage the skin. Bricklayer’s or farmer’s hands need targeted care that protects them from cracking.

Finally, these small fractures in the surface of the skin can be painful and, if left untreated, can become deeper, causing further discomfort and sometimes infection.

Daily Habits That Mess Up Your Hands

Finally, these small fractures in the surface of the skin can be painful and, if left untreated, can become deeper, causing further discomfort and sometimes infection.

The skin of the hands is equipped with a natural skin barrier, a fundamental defense against pathogens and external aggressions. This barrier forms like a protective shield that protects the integrity and hydration of the skin. But there are some gestures and habits that can alter it:

  1. Frequent washing, especially if carried out with very hot or very cold water, can compromise the balance of the skin’s barrier and therefore its well-being.
  2. The use of harsh soaps, which contain strong surfactants, can “degrease the skin too much”, weakening its skin barrier. Sanitizing gels, while helpful in eliminating germs and bacteria, can also contain alcohol and other ingredients that dehydrate the skin.

When the skin barrier is damaged, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture, and the hands become more vulnerable and cracked. In addition to being painful for your hands, it can also put your skin at a higher risk of infection.

Remedies and Treatments for Chapped Hands

Chapped hands are not only a beauty problem, but they can also be a warning sign for the health of your skin. To effectively treat this discomfort, it is essential to adopt a care routine that combines protection, cleansing, and repair.

How to protect chapped hands

Wearing appropriate gloves is the first step to protect your skin from the cold, external aggressions and the mechanical stress of manual work. Whether during daily activities or when it’s cold or windy or damp, gloves act as a protective barrier.

How to wash chapped hands

To wash chapped hands, it is advisable to use mild soaps with neutral pH, natural surfactants, and moisturizing and soothing active ingredients.

If you have chapped hands, we recommend washing them with a drop of BeOnMe Shower Gel, which contains natural and certified surfactants, respects the pH of the skin and offers the calming and rebalancing power of organic chamomile and the nourishing power of rice protein.

After each wash, remember to apply a nourishing hand cream to restore moisture and strengthen the skin barrier.

Cream for chapped hands
Oganic hand cream for chapped hands

Finally, try to limit the use of alcohol sanitizing gels and instead opt for those with emollient components that can help preserve skin health.

DIY remedies for chapped hands

Natural oils, such as coconut, shea and sweet almond oils, are known for their emollient and nourishing properties. However, the pure use of these oils can be impractical, because they are greasy and it is not easy to dose them well.

For this reason, it is preferable to opt for balanced and tested formulas that combine the effectiveness of natural oils with a lighter and easier absorption texture, ensuring impeccable performance without leaving greasy residues.

Remedies for chapped hands

Best Cream for Chapped Hands

The problem of chapped hands can recur several times throughout the year, especially during the cold months. To combat it, it is essential to adopt a constant care and prevention routine that involves the use of a high-quality hand moisturizer, which helps to create a protective barrier and nourishes the skin deeply.

🔍 A word of caution: when choosing a cream for chapped hands, opt for products that do not contain alcohol, as it can dry out the skin even more and aggravate the problem of cracking.

The best chapped hand cream is formulated with natural and organic ingredients such as BeOnMe’s, which respects the skin’s balance, moisturizes and nourishes without being greasy!

Moisturizing cream chapped hands
The best cream for chapped hands

BeOnMe’s organic hand cream is an excellent example of a product that combines effectiveness, practicality and naturalness. Rich in ingredients such as organic chamomile, with calming and anti-inflammatory powers, organic helichrysum hydrosol, moisturizing and healing, vegetable glycerin and antioxidant vitamin E, this cream offers protection and hydration without weighing down the skin.

🙌 We have designed its formula specifically to ensure that it absorbs quickly, leaving your hands soft, hydrated and ready to face the challenges of the cold!

Repairing treatment for chapped hands

For an intensive hand treatment, we recommend this trick for chapped hands: do a night compress with BeOnMe’s nourishing face mask, which can turn your night’s rest into a real beauty treatment for your hands! Use it on your hands: put a generous layer of it, and then if you want to, cover it with light white cotton gloves (the ones you find in the pharmacy).

In the morning, rinse it with warm water and apply moisturizing hand cream.

❤️ By adopting these remedies and treatments, you can not only relieve the symptoms of chapped hands but also prevent their reappearance! Remember that hand care is an act of love and well-being that deserves attention all year round, to keep the skin of your hands soft, supple and healthy.

By following the advice in this article, you can keep your hands healthy and prevent problems before they happen!
