Tips for your skin: here are the skincare mistakes to avoid

Are you making these skincare mistakes? Do’s and don’ts to optimize the results of your skincare routine!
Skincare mistakes

Pay attention to these sincare mistakes! Are you sure you’re doing everything right? Here are the most common skincare mistakes! Browse the list and optimize the results of your beauty routine with our tips! 😉

Cleansing skincare mistakes

❌ Going to sleep with make-up

The particles and chemicals contained in make-up products, as well as dyes and perfumes, if left on the skin for a long time, could accelerate the oxidation process, and therefore the premature appearance of the signs of aging. They are also often the cause of inflammation and irritation, clog pores and weigh down the skin. Every night before going to sleep, dissolve your make-up and rinse it with a foaming cleanser. Your skin will thank you!

❌ not cleansing your face in the evening

During the day, smog, dust, sweat and bacteria accumulate on your skin, a source of impurities, irritation and inflammation. To avoid compromising the balance and well-being of your skin, it is essential to cleanse your face every night, before going to sleep: a good habit that will surely give a breakthrough to the results of your beauty routine!

❌ not cleansing your face in the morning

Washing your face in the morning is also essential to show off a clean and balanced skin: this step is used to remove the sebum produced during the night, dead cells, and even dust and bacteria captured by the hair or pillowcase!

❌ not rinsing micellar water

Ouch, we hope you aren’t making this error! Micellar Water is used to dissolve make-up, but it is not enough to remove all residues and unclog the pores of the skin well! To have a truly fresh and clean skin you need to rinse your face with a foaming cleanser (> To learn more, read How to double cleanse).

❌ cleaning your face only WITH cleansing milk

Yes, cleansing milk dissolves make-up and impurities, but it is oil-based and should therefore be rinsed off with a foaming cleanser, such as the Organic Aloe Cleansing Mousse or the Purifying Facial Cleansing Gel with salicylic acid.

❌ Neglecting skincare after sports

After your workout, remember to always wash your face with a foaming cleanser to remove sweat, dust and impurities, and then moisturize it with your favorite serum and cream to rebalance your skin’s moisture levels and maintain its well-being.

❌ Drying your face by rubbing the towel

This gesture could irritate and attack your skin barrier. Instead, it is advisable to gently pat your face dry: your skin deserves only the best attention!

Hydration skincare mistakes

❌ Using a hair dryer before applying face cream

The blow dryer may excessively dry out the skin on your face! Before turning it on, apply serum and cream: in this way you will preserve its hydration, thanks to all the molecules of the cream that will act as a barrier and limit the evaporation of water.

❌ not moisturizing your face in the evening

After evening cleansing, your skin needs hydration, a fundamental step to preserve its balance and to prevent or minimize the signs of aging. During the night, the skin is also more receptive. Before you go to sleep, pamper it with your favorite serum and cream!

❌ not moisturizing oily skin

Sometimes those with oily skin think that it is superfluous to moisturize it and that creams could weigh it down and highlight its shiny areas. Nothing could be further from the truth! This type of skin needs hydration to stay in balance. In fact, not hydrating it could worsen its condition! The important thing is to choose targeted formulas and light textures, preferably mattifying ones, such as that of BeOnMe’s Face Cream Combination Skin.

❌ Applying the cream before the serum

The serum should be applied first because, generally, it has a higher content of small molecules that therefore penetrate the tissues more quickly; while the cream generally contains larger molecules that remain on the surface. The cream, therefore, can “pierce” the serum, but not vice versa. If applied later, in fact, the serum would risk remaining on top of the cream and therefore not performing its function well. The correct order makes all the difference!

❌ Useing toner as a make-up remover

The toner does not have a make-up remover function, the toner should be used after cleansing and is used to rebalance the pH of the skin, moisturize and tone it. Depending on the product, it can also offer an astringent and purifying effect, such as BeOnMe’s Citrus Purifying Toner.

❌ Using face cream also on the eye contour

The area around the eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the face, it ages first and has different needs that must be responded to with targeted active ingredients. For this reason, it is necessary to rely on a specific formula, preferably enriched with natural anti-aging technologies and rich in antioxidants, such as the Eye Lift Serum by BeOnMe.

❌ Forgetting about neck and décolleté

When putting on the serum and cream, remember to massage them into your neck and chest as well. These areas of your body, in fact, also need hydration and deserve attention! Incorporating this good habit into your skincare routine will help you delay and counteract the visibility of the signs of aging!

Oily and blemished skin mistakes

❌ Touching pimples and blackheads

You will only make the situation worse, spreading the bacteria and infection. It is best to keep your skin clean and apply the Spot Treatment before going to sleep. Its powerful certified organic formula, based on thyme, aloe and tee tree is able to deflate and de-redden the pimple in just a few hours, with much more satisfying results! (Ah, it is forbidden to use toothpaste and other home remedies: they are aggressive and unnecessarily dry out the skin, irritating it).

❌ Washing your face long and persistently

By doing so, the lipid barrier that protects the skin could be altered and the skin could become irritated, dry out or react by producing more sebum! It is better to dedicate only a few seconds to this step and choose targeted cleansers, such as the Purifying Cleansing Gel with salicylic acid.

Sensitive skin beauty mistakes

❌ subjecting the SKIN to sudden changes in temperature

Sensitive skin does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature well and needs special attention: wash it with warm water, keep it balanced and be careful not to overdo it with the heating or air conditioner.

❌ doing scrubs and masks after the shower

With heat and steam, delicate skin may become more sensitive and reddened. It is better to scrub and apply the masks before getting in the shower and rinse them afterwards, directly under the jet of water.

❌ Washing bed linen with harsh detergents

Be careful: the composition of some detergents could irritate the most delicate skin, causing dermatitis, redness, hypersensitivity and itching. It is better to opt for natural and delicate detergents.

❌ Using products with strong synthetic fragrances

Perfumes can also be the cause of allergies and irritations, especially for the most delicate skin: choose products without fragrance or with natural and certified fragrances, such as BeOnMe cosmetics.

General hygiene skincare mistakes

❌ Touching your face frequently

Imagine how much bacteria and dirt your hands can carry on your beautiful face. Touch it only when you have clean hands and the rest of the time… Resist the temptation, keep your skin’s balance intact!

❌ not washing your bedding frequently

Dust, dead cells, bacteria, dirt – this is what could accumulate in the bed and especially on the pillowcases. Change it with the right frequency, so that your skin can sleep… Peaceful dreams!

❌ Using dirty accessories

Eh, just think about the towel you use to dry your face: do you change it quite frequently? Remember that it is best to use a separate towel from your hands and body towels, precisely to avoid catching germs and bacteria. The sponges you keep on the sink and in the shower should also be washed frequently, as well as any accessories that come into contact with your face.

❌not cleaning your makeup brushes

Make-up brushes and sponges are the perfect receptacle for dust, germs and bacteria. Wash them with warm water and mild soap every week. Remember that this good habit is really a panacea for the health of your skin: overcome laziness, your skin will thank you!

❌ not sanitizing your mobile phone

Can you imagine how many bacteria and dirt can live on the surface of your cell phone? Already… It’s best to keep it clean and sanitized, since you have to bring it close to your face to speak.

❌ Always using the same mask

The sanitary mask, precisely because of its function, retains bacteria, dirt and steam. A dirty mask is one of the causes of those rashes and irritations known as Maskne. Keeping it clean will help you feel better about your skin, so remember to wash it often or change it frequently and always store it in a clean place.

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